(E & O.E.)
(APRIL 2021)
DE ZILWA, JENNIFER, wife of Alston, mother of Michele Lewis, mother-in-law of Bruce Lewis. Grandmother of Yazmyn and Joshua Lewis. Sister of Ken & Jim Ferreira, sister-in-law of Carmen Harris, Yvonne Ferreira, Monica Ferreira and Tyronne De Zilwa, in Sydney on March 29, 2021, aged 75 years. (Daily Telegraph, NSW, 1.4.2021)
EBERT, MERVYN, husband of Eva, father and father-in-law of Jason, David (dec), Simon & Rebecca. Grandfather of Shaylah, Oliver and Emily. Son of Melba & Donald (both dec), brother of Bob, Desy (dec), Stag, Snow (dec), Turk (dec) Marg, Tigy, Shirley, Mutchy, Snortsy, Poody, Valwee, Dotsy, Inky, Peter, Joycee, Linny and Jeffery, in Adelaide, on March 25, 2021, aged 78 years. (Adelaide Advertiser, 3.4.2021)
GAUDER, EDWARD NEVILLE, husband of late Gwendolene (nee Brohier), brother of late Basil and Aubrey and of Annesley, Trevor and Penny Fernando, in Sri Lanka. (Daily News, 8.4.2021)
DE JONG, JUENNE BARBARA (nee MORTIER), wife of the late Joseph De Jong, mother of Ransford, Joanne (dec), Roxann, Robert, Ronald, Rina, Renato and Roze, mother-in-law of Sue, Donna, Austin and Karen (Aust), grandmother and great grandmother. Daughter of Renee De Jong and Joseph Mortier (both dec), sister of Karen Mortier (SL), Ralph Mortier (dec – Aus), Danny Mortier (dec- SL) and Veronica Hermon (Aus), sister-in-law of Cynthia Mortier (Aust), Yvonne Mortier (SL) and Stewart Hermon (Aust), in Bundaberg, Qld. (Daily News, 8.4.2021)
SIMMS, SUGANTHI (nee PALVANAM), wife of Dennis (Darrel), mother of Gillian (Barhrain), mother-in-law of Hisham (Bahrain), grandmother of Seravi. Sister of Mano Wijesinghe, Rachel Karunaratne, Neville, Christopher, Roveena, Rebecca De Silva, Anna Vasudevan, Valma Gunaratne and Sandra Balraj (UK), in England on April 7, 2021, in Sri Lanka. (Sunday Observer, 11.4.2021)
THOMAS, JUNE, wife of Chris Thomas, mother of Shervin and Shannon, in Sri Lanka on April 9, 2021. (Sunday Observer, 11.4.2021)
PEREIRA, JOHN, (14.12.1935 – 12.04.2021), in Sydney. (Sydney Morning Herald, 14.4.2021)
PEREIRA, ALLAN, (03.05.1953 – 21.03.20210, in Perth, WA. (West Australian, 16.4.2021)
D’ROZARIO, MICHAEL (MICKEY), 12.03.1950 – 05.04.2021, husband of Christina, in Perth, West Australia (West Australian, 17.4.2021)
KLEYN, NICOLAAS, (20.03.1921 – 12.04.2021), father of Nicolena (dec), father-in-law of Steve, grandfather of Joshua and Rachel, Zachary and Aimee, Benjamin and Woodren, great grandfather of Nicolena, in Perth. (West Australian, 17.4.2021)
MARKUS, REV.SR PIA, daughter of late George Ernest and late Ida, sister of late Patience Perera, Rita Nissangaaratchie and Anton Markus, sister-in-law of late Susantha, late Benedict and of Edna. – Holy Cross Convent, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. (Sunday Observer, 18.4.2021)
SCHEFFER, JEREMY SHERWIN, (08.02.1957 – 14.04.2021), husband of Sheryl, father of Sharon and Alycia, in Melbourne. (Contributed)
CRONER, CLEMENT (DINDY), husband of Mavis Croner (nee DE FRANSZ), father of Suzette Randall and Marsha Croner, father-in-law of Jade Randall, grandfather of Jordan, Sienna and Zahara, in Brisbane, on April 21, 2021. (Daily News, 22.4.2021)
DIAS, TERESA, (08.06.1929 – 20.04.2021) wife of George (dec), mother of Christina and Tracy (both dec) and Edwina, John and Elizabeth, in Perth. (West Australian, 22.4.2021)
ALBRECHT, TERENCE KINGSLEY (TEX), husband of Cheryl, father and father-in-law of Misty & Ashley, Simone, Luke & Bek, grandfather of Alexis, Shania, melody, Shannon and David. Great grandfather of 2, in Loxton, Adelaide on April 19, 2021, aged 76 years. (The West Australian, 24.4.2021)
BARTHOLOMEUSZ, EVADNE (EVA/EVE) nee FERNANDO, wife of Fritzroy Fritz), mother of Jerome (Aust) and Simone (USA), mother-in-law of Rukmani (Ruki) Aust and Udaya (USA), grandmother of Udeshika Ranaraja and Wahdatt (Anthony) Amini, Samantha Ranaraja & Jason Meadows, Holly, Annoushka & Kelly, great grandmother of Aaliyah, Arianna and Alexander. Daughter of late Theodore Fernando and late Letitia Fernando, sister of late Merle, late Herbert, late Clive, late Earl, late Hilarian, late Clinton, Loyola and Clement, sister-in-law of late Christy, Shyama, late Myrna, Rima, Yvonne, late Manel, late Nimal & Krishanthi, late Christopher, late Melville, Avril (USA), late Lynton, late Anstruther late Evelyn, Felicia, Ursula (Aust), Winifreda (Aust), Christine (Aust) and Frederica (Aust), in California, USA. (Daily News, 26.4.2021)
GARTH, DOROTHY MARYAN (nee LaBROOY), wife off the late Wilfred John Garth, mother of Aubrey (Joe), Michael, Noel, Anne and Trevine (all Canada), Ivor, Monica, Ralston and late Conrad and Fr Gerard, mother-in-law of Drehan (nee Ousmand), Vijitha nee Fonseka), Aubrey Atton and Tamara (Ferdinands) all of Canada, Shantha Panditharatne, Marietta (Pollocks) and late Mercia (Pollocks). Grandmother of Fiona, Chester, Diana, Natalie, Denham, Nigel, Stephanie, Shyam, Aundrea, Amanda, Kristina, Matthew, Aeron and Dominic, great grandmother of Jaden, Danica, Daylen and Isla, in Canada on April 25, 2021. (Daily News 27.4.2021)
Note: Spelling of most names as taken from Sri Lankan newspapers