Facts about renowned international cricket commentator Roshan Abeysinghe not known to many (Excerpts from a television dialog Roshan had recently) – By Sunil Thenabadu

Facts about renowned international cricket commentator Roshan Abeysinghe not known to many

 Excerpts from a television dialog  Roshan had  recently – By Sunil Thenabadu

sunil Thenabadu


Roshan Abeysinghe is now a name synonymous with cricket known to all cricket fanatics worldwide as an international cricket commentator of repute having commenced a career as a radio media personal in the mid 1990 decade. Roshan is obviously seen  in the commentary box and invariably  at podiums at end of every international fixtures in Sri Lanka performing the presentation ceremony which he has performed delightfully to precision over decades. At this responsibility bestowed on him Roshan has had the opportunity to speak to many captains of local and visiting teams, also to ‘Players  of Matches’ named at the conclusion of matches. Although he brings a document self-written,-cricketing words just flow from his lips ’At all such occasions the cricketing fraternity have admired his fluency in his analysis which were presented elegantly For his continuous rendition he was awarded the SILK  award  for the outstanding contribution to expert international sports commentary.  

Roshan has hailed from a humble family having lived in a two bedroomed tiny house in Rilaulla,  Kandana for the meagre rent of only Rs 75 rupees has had one younger sibling bother Shiran who possess a doctorate in Philosophy.Roshan too  had been a keen student at school had passed all preliminary examinations well had entered the Chartered Institute of Marketing , thereafter had obtained a MBA from a Indian institute, currently is in the beauty culture trade. Roshan had begun cricket as a budding cricketer having played the game not at the first eleven level ,while in his school De Mazenod  Kandana and St.Joseph’s College Colombo , thereafter at mercantile  club level that too in less recognized clubs in Gampaha District which included clubs like  Wattala CC, Antonian CC, Greenfield CC .To the latter Roshan had played when he commenced starting to play cricket in year 1988,.To the same team there were Roshan Iddamalgoda and Uditha Wijesundara a Nalandian now in USA.The trio  had wanted to form Ragama CC to play in division 111, in year 1989  as there were many school cricketers in the Ragama area. Roshan reminisced that it was Uditha’s mother who had advanced  a loan of rupees five thousand to commence Ragama CC where Roshan is still  the incumbent  President very involved with the activities of the club. In the era of the 1980 decade for cricketers there were hardly financial gains hence the students leaving school did not focus playing cricket as a career. Roshan had commenced his media involvement in year 1995 when he was employed in a mercantile firm he had given updates in Sinhala via SLBC the scores in matches between Sri Lanka and Australia. Unlike some of his previous counterparts like Ranjith Fernando, Ranil Abeynaike ,Russel Arnold  to name a few Roshan had not played international cricket which he says had not be a criteria to become an International  cricket commentator. He recollected that for him to become a cricket commentator it was  Thilanga Sumathipala  who had invited Roshan to give commentaries when the U19 cricket world cup was hosted in Sri Lanka .His name had been suggested to M/s Sony Company. The telecast was by the courtesy of the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation. Roshan reminisced that as a norm there had been pulling the legs, cutting the neck which he had overcome to succeed.

Roshan believes that the standards international   cricket reporting then was at a much higher standard with stalwarts like Ravi Shasthri, Tony Grieg, Sunil Gavaskar ,  Pat Symcock ,Ian Botham,Wasim Akram  etc commentating..Roshan mentioned that he was then a novice , to argue or to say  against their comments of these legends was only a dream. But Roshan at present with many countries starting to play cricket with many tournaments entering into this media is much easier.

During this television dialog Roshan added he is having a successful married life, his wife Krishanthi  had tied the nuptial knot in year 1989.She is very understanding very helpful to conduct domestic activities .Also helps in the business in  beauty culture  they are involved in.The duo has three two sons and a daughter. They have been bought up in a respectable manner .The eldest son Sadesh is married  have qualified professionally is a medical doctor so is his wife.. The daughter and the third son are also in the process of  following the footsteps of the elder brother. Roshan recollected that his Father was a military officer who though loved him and his brother wanted from young days to follow strict rules similar what forces personnel followed, like getting up on time, polishing shoes. Ironing own clothes which Roshan now felt were too strict rules .But  though Roshan endeavours to implement  his father’s rules to be followed by his children but in a more loving and much lesser strict manner.  Roshan added he is not that lenient to his children but his wife Krishanthi looks after that part by fondling them from their young days.

During the dialog the presenter questioned Roshan on the issue of many parents who wish them to play cricket for the country. Roshan said only eleven players can play at a given time for Sri Lanka. There are many cricket academies scattered in Colombo and outstations where many parents send their children to be trained. There are instances where parents try to approach the school cricket coaches of the schools to influence .Roshan added this is a waste of time as some children are not willing and enthusiastic  too but are forced to tolerate the wishes of parents. Roshan summed this issue as an unnecessary mental worry and trauma for these children.

Another question that was posed about the knowledge of the English vernacular which is a must for our cricketers. In many schools particularly in the outstations though English is taught and even having many English classes many cricketers lack sufficient knowledge to speak at the podiums. Roshan added that we should be proud of our country our culture, the victories we have won and we should improve our Sinhala vernacular well, Roshan added that at this dialog with the presenter he should never use English words but endeavours to speak in the best Sinhalese he could. But when dealing with the international one must be at least somewhat fluent to talk in Englsh. The game of cricket  was invented by England and via the internet we are able to connect only in English. Hence how could our cricketers or any other collaborate  with others if they do not know the language. Roshan adds it is good to learn the Sinhala vernacular but, in the meantime, everyone should learn English which is definitely an added advantage. Roshan suggested that English language should be made a compulsory language in schools as it has many advantages. Roshan recommended that it is time that youngsters in villages should be taught English. Roshan also added the leaders in countries like Japan, China and in many western countries speak in their own languages , as they are developed countries.

Roshan added that he will criticise only if needed while commentating. It is a fact he said that every player does not play to lose and never gives his wicket away. But it is the opposite with spectators as they are real fans who like our nation to triumph. This issue is a very sensitive topic need to be expressed  gently. Roshan was asked about the available technologies in our media  compared with those in the  international, he boldly added if we possessed those advanced technologies our media men would surpass them as our media men  possess an abundance of creative abilities.

Roshan was asked to reminisce a turning point in his life to which he added in the year 1986 when he was adamant to commit suicide owing to a huge debt he was to pay. He is very confident as a strong Christian it is the God who rescued him. To date in most instances God had rescued him  for which he has a  huge faith in God.When questioned having been in the cricket seen for long who were his heroes Roshan added it was Ian Botham who had been his cricket idol from his childhood others were Tony Greig,Sunny Gavaskar,Allan Border, Geoffery Boycott,Dennis Amiss with some he had commentated together. When questioned on the richest cricketers in the present era he said many Indian cricketers including Virat Kohli at the helm.

Something Roshan dislikes in cricket is ‘match fixing’ which is common in the current era. Roshan has made several social service activities which he refused to reminisce said those who were benefited would know. He said rightly that one should not public the social service rendered. When asked who is your media box co commentator he wish to commentate with, Roshan said he prefers someone local as the chemistry is the same but with foreign commentators he has had no issues. When asked about obstacles Roshan added that it had been at times before the beginning of matches  when there had been power failures etc. Roshan when asked what recent changes were made by ICC he said he likes about the new concept of ‘IMPACT’ player introduced recently by ICC to T 10 leagues where in addition to the selected eleven players one IMPACT player is named who could be replaced for a bowler or batsman. Another  concept liked by Roshan is  the DRS ( Decision Review System) and the ruling of ICC for not losing a review for ‘UMPIRES CALL” which is  correct all believe.  Roshan was asked who the Sri Lankan cricketers was who were idols of fans. Roshan said Sidath Wettimuny in his era, Roshan Mahanama, Sanath Jayasuriya and the Sanga Mahela duo, but presently Chamika Karunaratne is attracted by many .Finally was asked what changes Roshan wanted within the Sri Lanka Cricket, he said not to consider ‘ paper clubs’ not playing  cricket to vote at the general election of the SLC which has now been done.Roshan also suggest that all outstation schools should begin to play T 20 cricket also to have  frequent  tournaments so that talent could be found which could enable form stronger teams in the coming T 20 world cup tournaments.  


Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane WhatsApp 0061444533242 e Mail sthenabadu@hotmail.com

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