Suwanee Madanayake, left arm spinner cum coach keen to perform on to the fourth decade – by Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane The Sri Lankan cricketer Suwanji Madanayake who commenced his first class cricket career in 1991 is currently onto the fourth decade keen to play on for a few more years, as clubs here and overseas need his bowling skilfulness with coaching experience. Master statistician Andrew Samson has revealed to The Guardian that Suwanji Madanayake, ‘Madey to his friends is still going muscular at the age of 48. He had confessed that he is determined, would continue beyond his fiftieth year and into the fourth decade of playing first class club cricket in Sri Lanka and league cricket in England and Australia having debuted in year 1991.  Andrew Samson had reiterated that Madanayake is still at it, particularly fitness wise with the demand for his left arm spin and coaching ...

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