“STORIES IN SONG” SERIES 2019 –  “SAM, THE MAN” – By Des Kelly

George Jones, alias “no-show Jones”, or “the Possum”,

has, and always will be, one of the greatest Country Icons that America can boast of, and deservedly so, because he could sing a song that would go straight into the hearts of thousands of his listening audience, either on-stage, or via the hundreds of Radio Stations of the US, committed  24.7, to ONLY Country Music. George Jones died in April, 2013, & his fans lined up for kilometres around, just to glimpse his body for the last time. Thousands gathered in the Streets around to salute the hearse as he went on his last ride. 

He was 82 years old.

   I will feature George Jones himself, later on, but, even before he died they were singing songs titled “Who’s gonna fill their shoes”?, and many, were the Country Stars of that era, who were trying to emulate the Possum. 

My story in song now features the guy I think, was just about the best of a very good lot, SAMMY KERSHAW.

Sammy, in my opinion, not only sang very much like George, he did it, in humble tribute to his idol, they were personal friends, and so, I would like to introduce Sam, the Man, to all my readers. Please sit back, watch & listen to this guy, folks, and I am certain you will enjoy every minute of his effort.

Desmond Kelly

Desmond Kelly.
(Editor -in-Chief)– eLanka.


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