Finally, the “on again”, “off again” Singapore Summit, is “on again”. The President of the United States of America,

“Dapper-Don” Trump & The “Supreme Leader” of North Korea, “Son of a gun”, Kim Jong -Un, who assumed his new “title” after his Grandfather Kim IL-Sung was indeed the 1st President of North Korea. Really, his Grandfather should have “sung”another song, because his Grandson became widely known as “The Rocket-Man” who, in turn, swapped heated rhetoric with  “Dapper-Don”who, in turn, snapped that he would suggest “Sanctions” which would cripple Korea, which, in turn, he DID. There is no need whatsoever, for me to go on, in turn, for evermore, because I am certain that everyone of my readers of eLanka will know what I am talking about.

The irony of it, is the fact that close to 20 million dollars has been spent,(more than half of it, on Security alone), by

Yaacob Bin Ibrahim of the Peoples’ Governing Action Party until 2020, (in Singapore), to host this “action party” for both “Don. & Kim”. 20 MILLION DOLLARS, from a Country that is supposed to be the best in the World, does not have to import or export anything & relies solely on tourism, a Country that, since Li Kwan Yew, could well be a shining example for even 1st World Countries like Australia, to follow. Still, this is probably the reason that this “Summit- Meeting” has been called for, in Sunny Singapore.

I have no doubt whatsoever, that this “Meeting” is simply to decide when & where the NEXT Meeting is to be held. To my way of thinking, ALL “Politicians & Political Leaders” love to travel the World, on taxpayers’ money. All of them try to “run” the Politics of “other Countries” while their own is steadily going down the plug-hole, the one & only difference being Singapore.

For the sake of World-Peace, I hope that this Meeting ends in a successful intercourse between the two leaders, but, with everything that has gone on, so far, I sincerely hope that the “Singapore Summit will not make me vomit”

Desmond Kelly

Star of eLanka


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