For Christ’s sake… Australia is a Christian country. We should be proud of that – by Lawrence Machado

For Christ’s sake… Australia is a Christian country. We should be proud of that

by Lawrence Machado

It’s political correctness taken to a ridiculously low level: I am talking about the fixation of the so called politically-correct fun police in Australia who have nothing better to do than tone down anything that is Christmas or Christian-like.

A note to the PC fun police: why stop at Christmas? Have a go at the other religious festivals and just call them the holiday season or silly season and see what happens. (Illustration: Getty Images)
The strange thing is that none of the so-called objections to Christmas comes from the other religions who not only acknowledge the right of Christians to celebrate the glory of Christ’s birth, but also enjoy the great feeling that Christmas brings. It’s also the end of the year.

Back in Sri Lanka where I grew up in a predominantly Buddhist country, Christmas is a national holiday and celebrated by non-Christians too.

Even today, you can find non-Christian homes having a Christmas tree and lights and sharing gifts on Christmas Day. We also enjoy the festivals of other religions as that’s the best way to spread goodwill — not by cutting off the word Christmas and making it just another holiday.

Even the Colombo airport is decked with Christmas decorations and trees and there is a plan for the world’s biggest Christmas tree in Sri Lanka.

Lawrence Machado certainly has the Christmas spirit. (Pic: Supplied)
When I lived in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, Christmas was celebrated everywhere and you can buy some of the best Christmas decorations and lights in the world.

The sharing and caring spirit of Christmas is universal as it should be as much as we celebrate or mark the holy days of other religions and faiths.

You don’t find the authorities in Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist or Hindu countries toning down or not using their festival names like Ramadan, Vesak or the Buddhist New Year, Yom Kippur, Diwali and so on just because it MAY upset the others.

A note to the PC fun police: why stop at Christmas? Have a go at the other religious festivals and just call them the holiday season or silly season and see what happens.

Australia is a Christian country and we should be proud of the traditions and freedoms it gives all of us, no matter what religion or race we belong to.

The irony of these protesters of Christian values and traditions is that they are able to get away with this stupid nonsense because they enjoy Christian freedoms. Many of us, unfortunately, let them get away with it, just like we did with the councillors who got rid of BC and AD in the education systems.

Christmas not only celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ but also brings happiness and hope to the world. Don’t let the PC fun police spoil it for all of us.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


One Comment

  • Shanil Fernando
    December 23, 2016

    Fantastic article Lawrence!