CLIMATE CHANGE !! – by Des Kelly
A little message to me from Maxwell Gerreyn, forwarded with the best of intentions, and accepted because any WWW that reminds me of a Canine, male OR female, will always get special attention from a dog-lover like me, even though I don’t have a clue as to who Plimer is.
Climate-Change has once again scored the flavour of many months to come, until at least the upcoming elections in Australia, and, BTW, talking about climate change, if you are feeling flustered, hot or humid, wherever you are, why not score a pleasant CC and come to Melbourne, where the weather, even as I write this introduction, is a cool, clear 12 degrees in the shade of the Coolibah tree, where I sit.
Desmond Kelly.
(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.
Plimer on Climate
Like him or not, agree with him or not, it is food for thought, and I hope someone has sent this on to little GRETA !!!!!
Ian Plimer is an Australian Geologist who has been branded as a sceptic, a climate denier and has raised the ire of many in the Climate Industry around the World.
Unfortunately I have no way of knowing when he made this speech but IMO its worth spending 15 minutes listening to the other side of the argument because the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
He does make some good points concerning the Sun