Occupational nicknames – by Des Kelly

Occupational nicknames – by Des Kelly

Totally different “little piece” coming into e’Lanka via our good friend Keith Bennett, via one of his good friends Ralph Baker, obviously. As Ralph puts it, whoever has had a steady job in Oz., would have had the memorable occasion of meeting up/with one of the characters mentioned.
Thank you Keith (and Ralph, of course), for this most amusing “post” on Occupational nicknames.


Desmond Kelly.

(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.


Occupational nicknames

Occupational nicknames


Under the headline Nicknames for Co-workers, it lists the titles applied to annoying colleagues and their bad habits.

From “the sensor light” to “the bushranger”, the list seems to have covered just about every kind of police workplace pest.

But, let’s face it, anyone who has ever held down a job has been stuck with some or all of these characters. They are:

G-spot: you can never find him.

Wicketkeeper: puts on gloves and stands back.

Sensor light: only works when someone walks past.

Blister: appears when the hard work is done.

Bushranger: holds everyone up.

Harvey Norman: three years, no interest.

Two-stroke: hard to get started and always smokes.

Lantern: not very bright and has to be carried.

Grenade: waiting for him to pull the pin.

Morphine: slow-moving dope.

Showbag: full of shit.

Seaweed: floats around all day and stinks.

Deck chair: folds under pressure.

Penguin: always on the ice.

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