Spirituality to Materialism to Spirituality – By Oscar E V Fernando



Spirituality to Materialism to Spirituality – By Oscar E V Fernando

Oscar Fernando


Church and bible treasured as gold

Tendered the fields and farms in peaceful flow

With morning prayers and breakfast fill

The tools and lunch they went to till

With Fall of man no perfection to behold

Disparity there was with poor and rich with gold

Greed set in and the gap got wide

Frustration and anger brought revolution worldwide

Accumulation through greed and discoveries untold

Brought in the magic called industrial revolution to behold

Spiritless work were the norms that lead to more wealth

Systems developed to protect the wealth and keep the health

With more competition and greed the evening bell receded to toll

To gather folks in homes for spirit to unfold

Crushed by the ever fast lane of that new god of Industry

The world of spirit hauled under the rubble of indecency


The world so became fast materialistic with fall in values of spirituality

The youth so lost with the material gains of industry

Looked far beyond for that lost spirituality

And finds it with the mendicant monks in the monastery

The west that began with the bible, church and God

Was so frenzied with wealth and power banned the word God

Now the clock that turned back is ticking forward to seek the same God

With all that’s eloquent in songs books and videos spelling out the name of God

The more that’s read in modern thoughts in eloquence and style

The more is read of those values ancient that was under the rubble all the while

The world with the youth is seen walking back on the path of spirit

To churches and temples to dip into the ancient reservoir of Divine Spirit

Away from annoyed nature with global warming, floods tornadoes and human vengeance

The silent call by god is so loud and clear that it bangs the ears with a message in a tangence

Signs so clear that humanity will after the lesson get back to that that Golden Vision of Splendor

That keeps the Universe in much harmony to those that live in Spirit close to that grandeur.

Oscar E V Fernando

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