SUNDAY CHOICE – He took my place on Calvary

SUNDAY CHOICE – He took my place on Calvary

…how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!—-Romans 5:17

If you see yourself as unworthy, as not measuring up, as undeserving of God’s grace, the problem is that you’re not receiving the gift of righteousness. The accuser will tell you that you’ve made too many mistakes, you’ve failed too many times, and you’ll never get it right. But the Scripture speaks of how God has made you righteous because of what Christ has done. “Righteous” means “to be holy, blameless, honorable.” It doesn’t say you’re going to be righteous one day when you’re good enough, but God says, “You are My holy, righteous, blameless, honorable, anointed, amazing child right now.” Who are you going to believe? Are you going to let the accuser deceive you into carrying the guilt and going around being against yourself? Start receiving the gift.

You might be weighed down with heaviness, with regrets, with a sense of unworthiness, but you can unload all that right now. If you give up your guilt, your regrets, and your unworthiness, God will give you His righteousness.

Pray this clip will be a Blessing to you.

There was a man more than a man
Called Jesus Christ of Galilee
There was a place where Jesus prayed
A place that’s called Gethsemane

There on a hill called Calvary
There stood a cross of agony
Nailed to that cross where I should be
He took my place at Calvary

Now I’m a child of royalty
And even angels can believe
My Jesus cared so much for me
He took my place at Calvary

Christ Jesus lives He lives today
From sin and debt He set me free
Now hand in hand each place I go
My Jesus Christ He walks with me

And when I ask how could it be
That He could care so much for me
The answer comes so tenderly
He took my place on Calvary

And now my Lord the son of God
I share with everyone I see
I give my best my all to Him
Because He gives so much to me

Now if His own you’ll wanna be
Come join His royal family
Let your heart sing joyfully
He took my place on Calvary

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