“A TRUE LOVE STORY” – By Des Kelly


“A TRUE LOVE STORY” – By Des Kelly

This true story has made my day. Sent via Facebook to me, by my good friend of many years past, Alan Panambalana, if I remember correctly, we were both Students at St.Peter’s College, Bambalapitiya, who went our own ways, only to meet again via FB, very recently.

I would like to take this chance to thank Alan very much, for this amazing true love story, which I now “share” with many thousands of eLanka readers, all over this Planet of ours.

Far too often, the present World News-Media in general, seem to revel in stories that do anything BUT, make our day. In times where there is so much tragedy, from Global wars, right down to wars raged on our own  roads, correctly called “road rage”, it is rare indeed to read “True Love-Stories”, so, once again, Alan, thank you for this beautiful contribution.

Desmond Kelly

Desmond Kelly

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