Clean Sri Lanka 3 – By Oscar E V Fernando

Clean Sri Lanka 3 – By Oscar E V Fernando

Clean Sri Lanka 3 – By Oscar E V Fernando

There is so very much implied in the term System Change which effects transformation of the inner spirit as well as the outer environment; it is edifying to see young and old cleaning up parks, beaches and rivulets in picnic style but we have seen these only as a jump start till their enthusiasm wears off; we have seen several of these joy bouts over the years, but to make it permanent we must start to clean up the Inner self-not just with a seminar or a work shop on fits and starts, but by starting very young at what they call the Montessori level, when the inner spirit absorbs naturally that which is said or seen when they are free to interact with the environment.

With this enthusiastic exploration of the system change it is worth the while for educationists to make an in-depth study of the Montessori Method and adopt this into the school curriculum up to the senior level-with no bias that it comes from outside the well-as even now the word Montessori is in the vocabulary of parents-not knowing its background.

Are we to remain as we are or change the system for a renewed societal and political culture to avoid past blunders such as nepotism-plunder of public property-pollution and abuse of power political or otherwise?

There are several more areas to clean up in order to change the old system to new such as the following among many others-

-the causes for the recent bankruptcy such as-deficit budgets over the years just taken for granted and unrealistic allocations for defense etcetera when there is no imminent threat of engaging in war with an outside country-but only because of the fear of a civil war within due to the ethnic issue not being given the seriousness it deserves.

-budget allocations denoting donations given by counties for deserving projects  remaining unused due to lethargy of offices or political interference being returned to the giver, leaving unsettled projects and funds wasted.

-ostentatious living by normal citizens as well as politicians in areas of vehicle usage and luxurious living.

To make a change to a new system will require  radical transformation within and this implies a clean sweep of immoral actions in society and that needs starting with a whole new generation-say from the Montessori a word in use by many a parent when entering the child to school but without knowing the background of Marie Montessori and her theory.

Maria Montessori is an Italian physician and educator of the early 20th century and her theory is based on the belief that children learn best when they are free to explore and interact with their environment. This is why Montessori classrooms are designed to foster independence and natural behavior with respect and love for the environment-and as her theory is not rooted on any religion or dogma our educationists may introduce this method in all schools from lowest to the highest level.


Oscar E V Fernando

January 2025


Clean Sri Lanka-2 – By Oscar E V Fernando

Clean Sri Lanka – By Oscar E V Fernando



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