“KEEP GOING” by Edgar A. Guest – by Des Kelly

“KEEP GOING” by Edgar A. Guest – by Des Kelly

"KEEP GOING" by Edgar A. Guest – by Des Kelly

Once in a while, I turn my thoughts from Music to Poetry, because, after all, poetry, and/or lyrics are what makes a good song GREAT.

This said, once in a while (again), some superb poetry appears out of nowhere, it seems, that I wish to share with our thousands of avid e’Lanka readers. 

As I have quoted many times, 

Positivity is infinitely better than Negativity, and THIS superb poem

ought to make every reader stop & think about it, KEEP GOING, as a matter of fact. Please do read it, and if it helps even one reader. I feel that it would be well worthwhile. Here we go then :-

“When things go wrong,

as they sometimes will,

and the road you’re trudging,

seems all up-hill,

when the funds are low,

and the debts are high,

and you want to smile, 

but you have to sigh.


When care is pressing,

and you’re down, a bit,

rest if you must, but don’t you quit,

Life is queer,with it’s twists & turns 

as every one of us,

sometimes learns,

and many a failure, turns about,

where he might have been, 

had he stuck it out.



though the pace is slow,

you may succeed,

with another blow,

Success, or failure,

turned inside out,

is the silver tint,

of the clouds of doubt.


And, you can never tell,

how close you are,

it may be near, when it seems afar,

So, stick to the fight,

when you’re hardest hit,

It’s when things are worst,



Source of Poem: Family Friend Poems ( https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/keep-going-by-edgar-guest )


Desmond Kelly.

(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.

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