Lankan wins prestigious Australian award

The Secretary of the Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Michael Tawley has awarded his department’s annual excellence award for ‘Supporting and Promoting Diversity in the Workplace’ to Takshan Abeyagoonawardena.

Lankan wins prestigious Australian award

Takshan Abeyagoonawardena is an advisor in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the Australian Government, and is based in Canberra.

As an advisor in the Prime Minister’s office, Takshan has worked with Australian Prime Ministers – Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gullard.

This award comprises a golden fountain pen and citation recog-nizing”outstanding team support for workplace diversity”.
Takshan who was earlier employed in the British Civil Service in London before migrating to Australia, has a MSc and MBA from Macquarie and University of Technology, Sydney.

He is also a Chartered Mathematician from the Institute of Mathematics and Application, UK. His wife Manisha Hettiarachchi is a Consultant Surgeon in Canberra.

He is the son of Vinee and Kamala Abeyagoonawardena of Sydney.


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