Realisation vs Working it Out – By William Whitecloud

Realisation vs Working it Out – By William Whitecloud

natural success

Realisation vs  Working it Out


You know, our Ego seeks orientation. It always wants to know where we stand in any situation. That’s the role it plays within our rational framework. 

“How is it?” is the burning question for the Ego.

So it’s very busy figuring things out. Putting 2 and 2 together. 

But here’s the thing, the Ego never looks at the relevance of any moment. It doesn’t observe the objective reality of a situation, or recognise the possibilities and potentials therein, either. 

It merely projects everything it believes about ourselves, others and life onto any moment. The more strongly it is pressed for answers, the deeper it digs into our belief systems, and the stronger and more valid our projections appear to be. 

The thing about subjective reality is that it is insecure. Of course it is. It’s not grounded in any substantial truth. So it has to shout loudly and rally with those minds who share its world view. 

But the scary thing is that the most confident opinions are the ones most divorced from reality. A certainly made up mind must either stand or fall on the facts that it is certain about. It can not be guided by wisdom. 

Wisdom is knowledge that occurs to us from beyond our pre-established, pre-conceived, linear, experience-based understanding of things. It’s the awareness of our Superconscious self, which is connected to everything through all time and space. 

Wisdom does not come from working anything out, adding 2 and 2 together. It comes to the clear mind which is open to the ever emerging truth. That is why historically, to saints and mystics and highly creative individuals, the principle of Innocence is the most revered state of mind there is. 

Wisdom escapes the mind desperate to resolve the tension of “how is it?”

Whether our understanding is positive or negative, the delusion of certainty is that it gives us control. It’s a feeling that at least we know what’s going on. But in truth it’s the low road of awareness, holding us to a very low level version of our creative potential and life possibilities.

Let me know what you think. No, scrap that, let me know what you realise. 

Love and magic,



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