The Story of Anuradhapura – Book Launch – You are cordially Invited to Pre-order your copies

The Story of Anuradhapura – Book Launch – You are cordially Invited to Pre-order your copies


Discover the real story of Anuradhapura

For nearly 1400 years, the Anuradhapura Kingdom flourished as one of the great civilizations of the ancient world. Its capital, resplendent with gleaming white dagobas and huge monasteries with thousands of monks proclaimed its opulence and grandeur. The people and their unique culture prospered. Then, in the space of just a few years, it was snuffed out, abandoned, engulfed by forest, and forgotten.

What happened? Why did a civilization that had thrived for so long suddenly collapse and disappear into the realms of folk memory? Who caused it? Why did it happen?
The Story of Anuradhapura is a beautifully illustrated, easy to read book that presents the fascinating tale of the Anuradhapura Kingdom. Senani is a brilliant storyteller, who for the very first time has brought the story of this great civilization alive. Using a crisp narrative style and numerous illustrations and photographs he brings to light much new information and many previously unknown and overlooked facts.

This book is ideal for those who are curious about the story of Anuradhapura, planning a trip there, have already visited and desire a deeper understanding of its history, just want a great coffee table book to browse through, or as an ideal gift for someone special.


The Author
Senani Ponnamperuma is the author of The Story of Sigiriya and a number of award winning websites.ponnmperuma
Senani comes from a long line of influential thinkers and writers such as the Cyril, Felix and Lakshman Ponnamperuma. read more}

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