Ahasata Igilee – Yanawo Yanawo-By Capt Elmo Jayawardena Source:Island That’s what they sang for parting wishes at the wedding of Mary Felicia’s daughter. The choir of a few carried the lyrics with resonant voices, and the gathered handful whispered the chorus, all about little birds soaring to the sky, flying away, flying away. The event took place in a bruised-walled and patched-roofed poor church where a scattering of a congregation of smaller than small people had come to give their good wishes. It was to fellow tsunami survivors as they made their sacred promises to bind the ties of blessed nuptials. I too was present among mainly fisher-folk and was awed by the simplicity of the ceremony and the inspiring meaningfulness of it all. I felt I owed it to Mary to write her story, just so that people would know what rock bottom courage of a mother is all ...

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