Gluten Intolerance & sensitivity Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake, FRCS, FICS, FIACS. AM(Sing), MBBS (Cey) Health writer How many people suffer from intolerance or sensitivity to gluten containing foods? In Sri Lanka this condition is unknowingly common due to consumption of processed white bread daily as accepted breakfast, lunch or dinner- a quick way to feed your hunger replacing rice and curry as main meals. In most situations when both bread-winners work, may be compelled to eat bread and curry, which include school-going children, too? The most popular curry that goes well nutritiously with bread is lentil curry. Fortunately lentils are gluten-free Now what are gluten containing foods? They include foods made from wheat flour, Rye and Barley. Eggs, meat, fish have no gluten. Oats have no gluten but may cause bloating, pain and diarrhea. ...

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