UNFORGETTABLE WRITERS RICHMAL CROMPTON LAMBURN. In these days of Computers, iphones, e’mails and various other “modern technologies”,writers such as Richmal Crompton would be all but forgotten,I repeat, all but forgotten because, were it not for these same “technologies” the general public would not only have forgotten this brilliant lady, they would then know absolutely nothing about her. It certainly seems to be a peculier”state of affairs” that now, in this day and age,our children and grand-children do not seem to be at all interested in actually reading a book, All they do is hold a miniature contraption in their little hot hands and tap, tap, tap,— until their fingers end up with the “repetitive strain” syndrome and begorrah!!, they can then choose from a 1001 “computer-games” or read anything they want to,about anyone they want to,in two seconds flat, yet, no REAL BOOKS whatsoever adorn the shelves in their rooms. ...

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