145th Battle Of The Blues – Sadev Saysa – The Only shining Light

145th Battle Of The Blues – Sadev Saysa – The Only shining Light

Source :  Thomiana – May 2024

According to many sports writers, the 145th Battle of the Blues will be recorded as arguably one of the drabbest of draws ever played out in its history, as the Thomians were found guilty of opting to chase personal milestones rather than forcing a result, when the third and final day of their big match cricket encounter ended. This encounter, will now be best remembered as the ‘145th Battle of the Yawn’, a match that the Thomians played never to win. With the onus on them to force a result, S. Thomas’ College went into a surprise defensive mode and chose to end the match as a stalemate, much to the relief of the Royal College cricketers whom they had to beat in regaining the coveted D.S. Senanayake Shield that they had lost last year.

145th Battle Of The Blues - Sadev Saysa - The Only shining Light

Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, an old boy of Royal College, whilst watching the match at the grounds jokingly described the ongoing proceedings best, when he said “The Thomians managed to snatch a draw from the jaws of victory.”

Amidst this doom and gloom on the Thomian approach and performance an unlikely hero, in the name of Sadev Soysa emerged. Fresher Sadev Soysa produced his best performance of the season top scoring with 83 runs as S. Thomas’ posted 297 runs after being invited to bat first on day one of the Match. This was in addition to another 33 runs in the secondinnings (total 116 runs) and received the Best Batter Award for the match. A week later, in the 47th Mustangs Trophy, he proved once again that he was no mug with the bat by recording the highest score of 65 runs in the Thomian innings, winning the Man of the Match award and enabling the Thomians to win by 30 runs.

145th Battle Of The Blues - Sadev Saysa - The Only shining LightAn interesting interaction by an Old Thomian (Vidusha Nathavitharana) with Sadev during the Royal Thomian Match in the previous year, when Sadev was a Steward, that was published in LinkedIn, highlights the calibre of this young star.

“I don’t generally do ‘brag’ posts : but this young man warrants a boast : and a lesson in resilience, courage, and also, downright determination.

I met Varnika Soysa’s young son Sadev last year at the big match – where he was on Steward Duty. He was trying to sell his quota of souvenirs. Clearly, quite ‘sloshed’ and in our usual ‘ribbing’ mood, I jovially told him to sell me a souvenir next year as I already bought one (which wasn’t true !).

He replies “I will not be here next year”

“Why? Don’t you have another year or two left to go ?” I inquired and cheekily asked him

“Failing O/Ls in true Thomian style are we?”

The young man laughs… and points to the pitch… and tells me “I will be there” I laughed – honestly not taking him seriously. He noticed it. And told me quite sternly..

“Watch me uncle… I will be out there… Not here”

“No point” I kept ribbing him… “You’ll be out for a duck…”

“At least a 50 uncle : at least a 50”.

145th Battle Of The Blues - Sadev Saysa - The Only shining Light

For a young man who was dropped out of the side that year, this was a bold claim. I laughed – and let it be at that… I bought a souvenir – and forgot all about it…

This year, young Sadev hammered a 80+ in his maiden Big Match – and won the best batsman award… The proud father tells me how he put his head down and worked at it daily – and the grim determination he worked towards this momentous achievement that I am sure will be a memory he will cherish a lifetime…

Many times, when faced with rejection and failure, we cower ; we falter ; we give up : worst of all, we lose that sense of ‘spunk’ we generally have. Being able to come back from a defeat, from a set back, from a disaster, is what truly makes character : and there really is no shortcut to it apart from falling down, and getting back up… No matter what, being able to still believe in yourself is the cornerstone of success : in the field, in the class, in the workplace, and in life..

It also shows how important it is to have those around you to prop you back up, help you back on your feet, and never lose hope in you… There will be enough to ‘talk down’ on you (like I did – albeit jokingly of-course) – so, having the few that truly believe in you, and give that little pep talk is essential too… A proud father moment for sure Varnika Soysa !


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