A Suppository FOR An Innocent’s Arse in England-by Michael Roberts

A Suppository FOR An Innocent’s Arse in England-by Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts


A Suffering Ignoramus

About half a century back I was driving with my wife to Bath when I found myself struggling to breathe. We drove immediately to the Bath hospital where I joined the Emergency queue. The same problem persisted: fit and well but couldn’t breathe! I quickly saw that the others in the queue were far worse off than I was. One had a deep gash in his neck; another a badly wounded arm, etc, etc. My non-breathing was trivial to everyone except myself!



After a long wait, a young nurse called my name out and asked me to follow her. She led me into a room, closed the door and immediately asked me to remove my trousers and lie on the bed. Let me tell you what I did NOT say to her. “Excuse me, I’m not sure what you may have in mind, but I am here because I cannot breathe”. No, I definitely did not say that! However, I did not RUSH to take my trousers off and obviously hesitated.

She obviously read my mind and became quite furious. Very furious. She ordered me in the sternest tone to take my trousers off, lie on the bed and raise my legs up high.  She then did what I least expected. She opened a little packet, took out some kind of tablet and stuck it up my arse, which gave me a mild surprise! It turned out to be a supposistory. She told me to drive off when I felt a bit better. The Wells concert was long over so it was a drive back to London after my rare experience.

I had never heard of a suppository before — Mrs Wadsworth at Trinity College in Kandy [the matron] never ever asked me to remove my trousers, nor did she ever stick anything up my bottom. However, I am reminded that Tony Abbott once had a famous problem with a suppository. I wonder how Tony may have responded if my Bath nurse had given him my same instruction?

Thuppahi Clarifications …. Yes, quite Thuppahi!

A: “A suppository is another way to deliver a drug. It’s a small, round or cone-shaped object that you put in your body, often into your bottom. Once it’s inside, it melts or dissolves and releases its medication” ….. ………………………


B: “Rectal suppositories are intended for localized or systemic action to relieve pain, constipation, irritation, inflammation, nausea and vomiting, fever, migraines, allergies, and sedation” …………

C: Visit Wikipedia for fuller elaboration: … …………………………………………………………. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppository#:~:text=Rectal%20suppositories%20are%20intended%20for,migraines%2C%20allergies%2C%20and%20sedation.

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