Celebrating the Remarkable Journey: St. Anthony’s College Old Boys Association, Canada

Celebrating the Remarkable Journey: St. Anthony’s College Old Boys Association, Canada – By Kingsley La’Brooy

Introduction: In 1995, an extraordinary group of individuals embarked on a journey fueled by love for their cherished alma mater, St. Anthony’s College in Katugastota, Sri Lanka. United by a shared vision and an unyielding determination, the formation of the St. Anthony’s College Old Boys Association, Canada marked the beginning of an incredible legacy that spans decades, leaving an indelible mark on both the college and the lives of those involved. It is with immense gratitude and admiration that we pay tribute to these remarkable men and women who, through their unwavering commitment, have made profound contributions to their community and beyond.

The Torchbearers: The past presidents of the association, Late Mr. Ronnie Jansz, Late Hilary Orloff, Late Dr. Quintas Ratnayake, Mr. Trevor Brown, Mr. Joy Perera, Mr. Milroy Inch, and Mr. Joe Fernando, have each played a pivotal role in shaping the association’s success. Their dedication, visionary leadership, and tireless efforts have laid the foundation for a vibrant organization that continues to thrive. We are inspired by their unwavering commitment and grateful for the indelible legacy they have created.

Silent Contributors: In addition to the presidents, the St. Anthony’s College Old Boys Association has been blessed with numerous silent contributors who have worked diligently behind the scenes. With humility and selflessness, these individuals have been the driving force behind the association’s achievements. Late Mr. Asoka Jayawardena, Mr. Rienzie Martinesz, Late Mr. Bimal Fernando, Mr. Sanjaya Peiris, Mr. Stephen De Silva, Mr. John Perera, late Mr. Franco Ratnam, Mr. Kuga Pitchamuttu, Mr. Niranjan Kumar, Mr. Prem Nadarajah, Mr. Romesh Rajadurai, Mr. Yohan Suriyampola, Mr. Raja Thurairajah, Mr. Chamila Rajapakse, Mr. Titus Paulraj, and Mr. Milinda Ranaweera, Mr. T.K. Pillai and Mr.Arritha Delivera have all exemplified the spirit of service and dedication, ensuring the association’s continued growth and impactful endeavors.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these silent contributors for their invaluable contributions. The Strength of Their Spouses: Behind every great man stands a great woman, and the spouses of the association members have played an irreplaceable role in their collective journey. Late Mrs. Pearl Orloff, Mrs. Genevieve Brown, Mrs. Surupee Perera, Mrs. Sabrina Inch, Mrs Priya Fernando, Mrs. Ruki Martinesz, Mrs. Anne Fernando, Mrs. Theva Ratnam, and Ms. Flavia Missier have exemplified unwavering love and commitment. Their selflessness, grace, and unwavering support have nurtured a profound sense of unity and solidarity within the association. We are deeply grateful for the strength and contributions of these remarkable women, as well as all the other ladies who have made significant contributions, even if not mentioned here.

A Testament to Unity: What sets the St. Anthony’s College Old Boys Association apart is not only their unwavering commitment to their alma mater but also their larger dedication to the community at large. These extraordinary individuals have extended their support beyond the college, lending a helping hand to other organizations striving for success. Through their unity and collective strength, they have become a powerful testament to the transformative power of collaboration and the fulfillment that comes from making a positive difference in the world.

Their remarkable efforts inspire us all to stand together and create a brighter future. Inspiring Generations: The St. Anthony’s College Old Boys Association, Canada, serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when individuals come together with a common purpose. Their unwavering commitment to education, sports, and community service has left an indelible impact, inspiring generations of students to pursue excellence and make meaningful contributions to society. As we reflect on their remarkable legacy, we are filled with gratitude and hope, knowing that their inspiring journey will continue to encourage future commitment and ignite the flame of service in the hearts of those who follow in their footsteps.

Kingsley La’Brooy

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