Heads Up! Low Pressure System Forming in Bay of Bengal ☔ – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Heads Up! Low Pressure System Forming in Bay of Bengal ☔ – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Heads Up! Low Pressure System Forming in Bay of Bengal

Hi everyone, there’s a developing weather situation in the Bay of Bengal we need to keep an eye on.

The simulation of the weather system, updated in 8-hour-intervals, shows a low-pressure system forming near the coasts of South Andhra Pradesh and North Tamil Nadu. This system is expected to move northeast, intensify into a depression by May 24th, potentially impacting India’s northeast coast.

Unless it changes its course in a dramatic way, it will turn into a powerful storm and make landfall on Sunday, affecting Odessa and West Bengal region.

Although it is intensifying into a severe depression, it is unlikely to turn into a cyclone – Cyclone Remal, according to the conventional naming system.

Although Sri Lanka is not going to get affected by the depression directly, there will be heavy rains throughout the region as the depression gets stronger.

By Hemantha

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