Covid-19, the year 2020 – is this a major disaster? Or is this a time of great opportunity? Could this be a time when the world does come together and consciously makes a difference, commits to being socially responsible, openly shares skill, talents, resources, knowledge and genuinely looks to create solutions that create a better world and future?

There’s no denying that a major disruption is occurring on a global scale. With this level of dramatic change and uncertainty to everyone’s life, it can feel like the world, as we know it, is on the brink of disaster, and collapse. However, with every disaster, there is always a rebirth.

As the Australian economic situation unfolds, and reality hits, there is also a rise in opportunities. Current circumstances, along with the 24/7 media coverage are driving a fear mentality, with many people operating out of panic or simply feeling frozen in the belief that the world is coming to an end. Short-term survival is the priority. There’s no mental space for big picture, long-term or creative thinking – well not unless you have been preparing for this opportunity. Is this the perfect time for cash ready strategic investors, or entrepreneurs to be part of creating a new future?

While every government body is focused on providing a bridge to support people in their darkest hour, at IPNA, we believe that the current situation is providing an opening for those who are willing to create new foundations that are stronger than ever before. Dark times require strength, courage, bravery and optimism.

Therefore, if you are willing to hit the pause button, take a breath, step away from the fear driven thoughts could this situation offer a silver lining for you? Could this be the right time to explore investment opportunities in Australia?


Before COVID-19, Australia’s economy has been strong for more than two decades and achieved great success in global industries. While Australia entered its 28th year of consecutive annual economic growth, COVID-19 has turned everything on its head, and it’s now in recession.

The IMF also expects Australia’s economy will contract by 6.7 percent in 2020 and then rebound by 6.1 percent in 2021, assuming that measures to contain the virus are successful. Both the Australian dollar and interest rates are low which means bringing money into Australia is very attractive to an overseas investor.


IPNA is a boutique development company with a network of specialists in legal, accounting, and property. Currently there are two sectors that have investor appeal:  childcare centres, and senior living.


The Australian population is expected to reach 28 million by 2027, growing by one person every 1 minute 15 seconds. This means that over 1.2 million children will require some form of childcare. With both parents needing to work, they need assistance for their children – no matter what age.

This is why the demand for childcare in Australia will always remain strong. And, as experienced during Covid-19, childcare is unique, and they are an essential service. Unlike many businesses they are also unaffected by local or offshore economic factors, or the internet. This industry is providing local and overseas investors with a great opportunity to invest.

INVESTMENT: Return on the investment is between 17%-19%. Funding can be from multiple investors.

VISA APPLICATION: For people with business skills, and seeking to immigrate to Australia, childcare projects provide an opportunity to assist with your visa application.

Senior living

Australia’s population for over 55’s is forecast to double over the next 30 years. The growing senior population, together with increasingly complex care requirements provide strong structural support for the residential aged care industry.

In any downturn, the over 55’s will look to downsize. They tend to bunker down, cut costs on spending, and go into the safety of hibernation mode. However, being able to live in a community environment, while keeping their independence is vital to the health and wellbeing of our seniors. Therefore, the demand for cost effective, well-designed homes within a community for over 55’s will rise.

INVESTMENT: Return on investment can be between 22% – 29%. Funding can be from multiple investors. Typically, senior living projects are between 5 – 20 townhouses. They are designed for community living.


If investing in Australia is of interest, then contact William de Ora (de Silva) on +61 414 834 733 or, email:


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