Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael’s and St Luke’s Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael’s and St Luke’s Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong 8

There’s this affable guy who parades himself as a lovable person, maybe no more than 60 to 65 if you had to guess. Then you get invited to his 75th birthday.

While the shock takes a while to digest and set in, we then experience a night of fun, frolic and a musical experience of unlimited talent from family and guests that was mind blowing.

Larry Loos is a blessed man with a fantastic family and friendship group that gathered to celebrate his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten.

Anne an I were privileged to be among the invitees to witness a night with a difference at St. Michael’s and St Luke’s Church in Dandenong.

It was a small crowd, but rich in musical talent, as most stepped to enjoy a night of celebration and fun in a charged up birthday party with a difference.

Apart from the no lack of talent in the Loos family, son Justin’s wife included, Esric Jackson, Rienzi Mahamooth, and several others jumped on stage to provide a musical experience with a difference. It made the party what the birthday boy envisaged and requested. It all went to plan.

Was a great party that will be etched in our minds for a party with a difference.

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong

Larry Loos celebrates his important milestone that made a party to an event that will not be easily forgotten at St. Michael's and St Luke's Church in Dandenong


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