Movie Review: Bullet Train – By Achira Samaratunga

Movie Review: Bullet Train – By Achira Samaratunga

Source : Qld Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – July 2023

Bullet Train is an action-comedy thriller movie starring Brad Pitt based on a Japanese novel written by Kotaro Isaka. It’s about an anxious assassin who must get on board the world famous shinkansen (bullet train) to complete a mission, but there are other killers on board the train, with their own goals, who make the mission so much harder for him.

Bullet TrainThe overall feel of the movie is very chaotic and fast-paced. It all essentially takes place in one location, and like a bullet train, the story moves along quickly as you’re constantly introduced to new characters and plot reveals. The action sequences also add to the hectic nature of the film. They are a prominent feature of the movie thanks to the director, David Leitch, who is also a professional stuntman. With the film being so self contained, the characters, personalities and motives are fleshed out as the story develops. To properly understand them, it’s important to pay attention to the exposition and the action equally as they all provide important details. There is an underlying message throughout the movie that asks the viewer to question their perspective on the destiny vs luck debate: is your future set out for you? Are you predetermined to be lucky or unlucky for your whole life? Or can you change your fate with your actions and how you carry yourself? The film has comedic beats, gory special effects, and sentimental elements as well, but it still manages to comment on this existential topic.

Before watching Bullet Train, I didn’t have too many expectations for it. It seemed like a movie that didn’t take itself too seriously, which interested me. In that sense, I wasn’t surprised that I enjoyed the film as it is very fun. Many movies in recent times rely on the viewer seeing prequels or a source material to fully enjoy it. Bullet Train, even though it is inspired by a book, stands up on its own and I liked that because it let me suspend my disbelief and be immersed in the experience of the movie – I wasn’t worrying about the real-life consequences of the movie or how believable the characters were. Personally, I enjoy thriller/suspense movies and Bullet Train fits the genre. However, I enjoyed the humour in the film just as much. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants a solid movie experience with a fun plot, funny characters and doesn’t mind gruesome special effects. You might even find yourself feeling a bit existential afterwards, which doesn’t happen after the end of every movie.

Achira Samaratunga

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