“MURALLY YOUR’S” – By Des Kelly

“MURALLY YOUR’S” – By Des Kelly

Matthew (Matt.)Adnate is the Artist who has just completed what is the tallest public housing “mural”, in Collingwood, Melbourne, actually, now, the tallest, most realistic “mural” as far as this wordsmith is concerned, in the Southern Hemisphere. There are thousands of these murals in the World, folks, but to finally see the finished product on television, yesterday, was something I did think, was fully worth writing about. Not only has this Artist accomplished a work that is absolutely superb in itself, 

Matt has proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, that there are “others” who think that they are sending some foolish message in what is loosely termed “Art”, but is nothing more than graffiti, making their “canvases” ugly, & the wonderful City of Melbourne look third-rate, in the World.

     Everywhere one looks, nowadays, graffiti hits the eye, but, while this is now a crime, as in everything, the punishment seems to be too little & too late. These guys & gals who go around with a paint brush at night, dip their brushes in some cheap paint and scrawl their ugly signage all over the place should go to jail, instead of getting a rap across the knuckles, be told to “clean-up” their dirty work, do so, under supervision, but go out again, the first chance they get, to “re-graffitise” somewhere else. Instead of all this, the Victorian Government should pick out those Artistes that just MIGHT have some real talent and have people like Matt

give them some tuition in “painting”. Of course, for those who suffer with vertigo, this type of “muralling” will be impossible, so, to sample the niceties of most Melbourne jails, as opposed to jails anywhere else in the World, these “graffitians”will have to look for something else to do. 

     Getting back to something that is worthwhile. Collingwood may have, once again, been the bridesmaids, as far as the A.F.L.Grand-final this year was concerned, (better luck, next year, boys), BUT, in Matt.Adnate, they have a Champion, who, in my opinion, may never touch a footy, but will still  make this Town a talking-point of anyone who visits, or even drives through Collingwood. Just one important point here, folks. If you are driving through, do not take your eyes off the road to look at this masterpiece. It may well be the last one, you will ever see. STOP!, park somewhere and then feast your eyes on a MURAL that will never have a PLURAL of it’s kind, anywhere. I salute Matt. Adnate, you’re the pride of this State, so let’s not stagnate.

Let us now meditate, before it’s too late. MURALLY YOUR’S,

Desmond Kelly

 Star of eLanka



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