“NIKITA” – By Des Kelly
Englishman, Sir Elton John has never been a favourite entertainer of mine. His antics, facial fantasies, false eye-glasses, silly hats, etcetera were a “spectacle” not really needed, as the man had an innate understanding of what music was all about, played a good piano, and even wrote some good songs, one of which was then dedicated to the Peoples’ Princess
Diana, after her tragic untimely death. Incidentally, this particular song was copied by him, from his former vocal dedication to beautiful Marilyn Monroe.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll then placed her sword on his shoulder
thereby giving him the title Sir Elton John, and, to give credit where credit is due, I have decided that this particular song, Nikita is, by far, the best one performed by young Elton, long tresses and all. The video is excellent, and I am sure that all our e’Lanka members and readers around the globe will enjoy it.
Desmond Kelly.
(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.