Sri Lankan model Christian Derrein De Zilwa makes waves on global runways at just 20 – By Melkishiya Andrew

Sri Lankan model Christian Derrein De Zilwa makes waves on global runways at just 20 – By Melkishiya Andrew

Nathan Lyon grabs the headlines with his 500th and Australia grab the first Test. – BY TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE. (eLanka Sports editor) - eLanka

Source : themorning

The world of modelling often evokes images of luxury, glamour, and boundless possibilities. However, being a young model entails unique rewards that extend beyond the superficial.

Christian Derrein De Zilwa, a 20-year-old model who commenced his career this year, made his mark by participating in the Mister International Pageant in September 2023, representing Sri Lanka as the youngest competitor.

His presence was also notable at this year’s Colombo Fashion Week (CFW), where he showcased clothing lines for various designers such as Lovi Collection, Karma Collection, Hameedias, and Kamil’s Collections.

Under the guidance of Brian Kerkoven’s model management, Christian, a young model, receives training for runways and photoshoots. Joining the BK agency this year, Christian expresses gratitude for the mentorship of Brian Kerkoven, who has been instrumental in his career’s initial stages.

Christian acknowledges the challenges faced by young male models, including the meticulous upkeep of facial hair and body, along with the demands of physical training and a balanced diet.

Despite these challenges, the modelling industry offers incredible opportunities for personal growth, creativity, and global exposure. Resilient, self-aware, and well-supported young models can navigate these challenges and thrive in this dynamic field.

Christian’s parents, supportive of his modelling career, reflect a changing cultural norm where more families recognize the potential for success and personal growth in this field. He notes the evolving perspective in Sri Lanka, influenced by social media’s openness and the changing cultural landscape.

The rise of social media has democratized the modelling industry, allowing aspiring models outside traditional runways to gain recognition and challenge conventional beauty standards.

Young models like Christian, passionate about the field, have the opportunity for personal growth and substantial exposure. Sri Lanka’s modelling industry is undergoing a fascinating transformation, opening new paths for young dreamers aspiring to grace the runway or pose for the camera. While the allure of glamour persists, the industry’s evolving definition of “beauty” and its approach to talent present more opportunities than ever before.

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