“I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.”-Philippians 3:18
This song was written by George Beverly Shea in 1933. He was encouraged by his mother to put music to a poem she liked by Rhea Miller. It was her hope that in putting together this hymn, her son would find new direction for his talent. And in fact he did, touring the world as a soloist with Billy Graham. I cannot hear it without remembering the joke of a former boyfriend. He said if we ever got married, he would sing this as I came down the aisle!!
Image Source : godtube
Today’s verse made me think of this song that says “I’d rather have Jesus than anything.” To Paul, the surpassing worth of knowing Christ made him willing to consider everything else in his life as a loss. This beautiful and satisfying relationship with Christ has made all his past accomplishments seem as worthless garbage. But gaining Christ was something that could not happen as long as he valued his accomplishments, past or present, more than the Lord.
When I care too much about the world’s approbation somehow I forfeit having more of Christ. So often I am confronted with choice. Would I rather have Jesus or am I valuing anything as more important than Him? Can I say that I would “rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today?” My answers make all the difference to the choices I make. His kingdom takes precedent over any other concern. I want to make His will my focus and not my own. Gaining Christ makes any sacrifice worth it!
Lord, I choose You.——Courtesy of devotionsby jan
Pray this hymn will encourage you to have a closer walk with God.
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