SUNDAY CHOICE - Be Thou My Guide & Vision - By Charles Schokman - eLanka

Read the story behind this song about not worrying about the future, and listen to the song!
As a young girl Helen was full of thoughts about the future and questions about how God wanted her to live her life. In her need to find God’s will, He inspired her to write this song. It helped her through these times, and has helped many others since. Read her story and listen to the song yourself!
“The ‘Teens’ and ‘Twenties’ can be a time of change and decision for many young people. Maybe they get married, or continue their education and settle into a career, or maybe they are not at all sure what to do with themselves.
“For me, as an unmarried girl in my mid-twenties, it was a time when many thoughts went around in my head as to what the future would hold for me. My only desire was to find God’s will for my life and do it, but anxious thoughts would still sneak in, and I wondered about many things. How could I be sure of God’s will, for example, in the area of marriage? If a young man were to approach me, even a Christian young man, how would I know for sure if this was God’s plan for me? I was living in a foreign country, trying to learn a foreign language, and actually felt a little lost and uncertain about the future at that time.                                                                                                                                                                       
“In my need, I prayed and asked God to help me with my thoughts. God had always taken exceedingly good care of me, and I did not want to doubt Him now. Nothing is gained without a battle, but in my battle God’s word came to my aid, and the verses in Matthew 6:33 and 34 became very real for me. ‘But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow …’  It became very clear to me that I need not worry about anything! God would lead me and show me His will, one day at a time.
“Faith and confidence in God grew in my heart. Today, I could live for God with all my heart, and He would take care of tomorrow. My longing was to listen to His voice and let Him lead me. God gave me a song that strengthened me at that time, and has helped me in the many phases of life that have followed. I thank God for His goodness and His care, and that when faith is tested in new areas, His word and promises hold true. It is safe to trust Him and learn to live, ‘Just Today!’”—-Helen Simons

Lyrics: Just today

Just today, O help me, Lord, to live,
Trusting in Thy perfect love and wisdom;
For each day, sufficient is Thy grace;
Every moment’s planned for my salvation.
Just today! Just today!
Not one thought about tomorrow,
Trusting in Thy guidance and Thy grace—
Blessed freedom from all care and sorrow.
Satan tries to rob me of my peace,
Weigh me down with thoughts about tomorrow.
But his efforts all will be in vain,
For my God in living faith I follow.
Just today! Just today!
Not one thought about tomorrow,
Trusting in Thy guidance and Thy grace—
Blessed freedom from all care and sorrow.
Gone the past; the future—come what may!
It is Thine to plan, to guide, to care for.
But Thy love has given me “today”;
All my confidence I put in Thee, Lord.
Just today! Just today!
Not one thought about tomorrow,
Trusting in Thy guidance and Thy grace—
Blessed freedom from all care and sorrow.

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