76 years since Sri Lanka gained its independence from the British – by: Upali Obeyesekere – Editor, Times of Sri Lanka Source : TIMES OF SRI LANKA INTERNATIONAL 365 HAPPY 76TH ANNIVERSARY – SRI LANKA! SRI LANKA CELEBRATES ITS 76TH ANNIVERSARY ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH (2024). IT WAS ON FEBRUARY 4, 1948 THAT CEYLON WAS GRANTED ITS INDEPENDENCE AS THE DOMINION OF CEYLON. DOMINION STATUS (WITHIN THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH) WAS RETAINED FOR THE NEXT 24 YEARS UNTIL MAY 22, 1972, WHEN IT BECAME A REPUBLIC AND WAS NAMED THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA. On 4 February 1948, Ceylon was granted independence as the Dominion of Ceylon. Dominion status within the British Commonwealth was retained for the next 24 years until 22 May 1972 when it became a republic and was renamed the Republic of Sri Lanka. Unlike in India, there was no struggle for freedom, no blood shed to ...

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