“A LOVE SONG” (Country-Style) by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ People should start singing “love songs”.like this, in order to make our World a much better place to live in. It is not an “original composition” of mine. I have not been lucky enough to “live out” the lyrics, but it is still a beautiful song from the 80s/90s era of Country Music. Why I “write” these “Song/Articles” for my readers of eLanka is because I would like them to read & understand that while our World is in such turmoil at this moment, love-songs such as these help to erase the ugly state of chaos, fighting & hate all around us & concentrate, even for a minute or two, what it could be like, when song-writers try their best to bring you even a.little happiness, in songs such as this. Unfortunately this particular song does not seem to ...

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