How to degrade, dismantle and destroy a country Source:Island The current social political and economic decision making and the ‘mysterious’, illogical behaviour of Sri Lanka’s leadership, are classic examples of ‘how to degrade, dismantle and destroy a country’. What are the essential conditions for a country to be a united, successful, sovereign and independent? 1. The rule of law. 2. A responsible Parliament. 3. An executive totally dedicated to the protection and well being of the country. 4. A vibrant economy that lifts the poor out of poverty. 5. Social fraternity and friendship in a tolerant and peaceful environment. 6. Awareness of and the love and protection of the country’s ecology. The rule of law, as ordinarily understood, is a code of conduct that a people and a state accept as their guiding and protective set of regulations for the common good. There are two sides to it; rights and ...

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