‘Imago Sui’ at Seed Café-by RUZAIK FAROOK Source:Sundayobserver An art exhibition by Dr. Avanthi Jayasinghe was opened at the Seed Café at Horton Place amid a distinguished gathering on September 8. The show is held in aid of the Cancer Hospital. The exhibition Imago Sui underscores the concept that persons possess a self-image or a sense of identity that shapes their thoughts, behaviour, and interactions. This is a concept that is widely explored in several fields. Philosophically, the idea of Imago Sui is tied to self-awareness and self-consciousness. As famously stated by Rene Descartes (1596-1650), Cogito, ergo, sum, this notion suggests that self-awareness is an inherent aspect of human existence, emphasizing the importance of understanding oneself in relation to the world.   Self-concept and self-perception In psychology, Imago Sui coincides with self-concept and self-perception. Carl Rogers (1902- 1987) and Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) emphasized the significance of self-actualisation, wherein people strive ...

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