Traditional Treats at Lakpahana Source:Island Avurudu…. is there any greater excuse to titillate the taste buds than this time honoured celestial event which comes once a year. It is an occasion when family and friends get together. Observing time honoured traditions and extending great hospitality, especially the gastronomic delights at the avurudu table is something everyone looks forward to at this time of year. Lakpahana has always played a key role in helping maintain traditions. Its sweet meat counter is a hive of activity. The best of sweetmeats is prepared according to traditional methods. Lakpahana gives busy people a chance to get their Avurudu needs under one roof. It is also an opportunity to hark back to those simple days when all these traditional delicacies were made with loving care by the elders in the family. Lakpahana has for the last forty years striven to preserve the traditional aspects of ...

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