Maduwanwela Walawwa Source:ARCHiDEA Sri Lanka Location: Kolonne, Ratnapura District, Sri lanka Tucked away in the town of Kolonne, somewhere between Suriyakanda and Embilipitiya, stands what’s left of a once palatial mansion. Maduwanwela Walawwa, whose construction can be traced back to the eighteenth century, was completed, in 1905, by its most revered owner, Maduwanwela Maha Disawe. The Disawe, or “headman”, was given this appointment by the British Government of Ceylon, but, despite this, harbored strong feelings of resentment towards his colonial rulers – a resentment that has been perpetuated in several aspects of his famous home. The Disawe, or “headman”, was given this appointment by the British Government of Ceylon, but, despite this, harbored strong feelings of resentment towards his colonial rulers – a resentment that has been perpetuated in several aspects of his famous home. A short walk from the grounds’ main entrance, on a path bordered by trees of Herculean ...

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