Crisis in Sri Lanka and the World – by Asoka Bandarage In this insightful video, we delve into the ongoing crisis in Sri Lanka and its broader global implications. We explore how colonial legacies and neoliberal policies have contributed to the current state of affairs, both in Sri Lanka and across the world. Through a critical analysis, we uncover the historical and economic forces at play and examine their impact on societies and ecosystems. But it’s not all doom and gloom. We also highlight innovative ecological and collective alternatives that offer hope for a more sustainable and equitable future. From grassroots movements to cutting-edge ecological solutions, discover how communities can come together to address and overcome the challenges posed by these entrenched systems. Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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Georgetown University, Book Launch April 17, 2024 – “CRISIS IN SRI LANKA AND THE WORLD – by Prof. Asoka bandarage Venue: Georgetown University, Washington D.C.  School of Foreign Service, Walsh 491 Asoka Bandarage New Book reference:   Book Launch: Crisis in Sri Lanka and the World with Professor Asoka Bandarage, PhD Join Georgetown’s Environmental Studies Program and Global Human Development Program to celebrate Dr. Asoka Bandarage’s launch of her book Crisis in Sri Lanka and the World: Colonial and Neoliberal Origins: Ecological and Collective Alternatives. Her book provides an in-depth analysis of the island’s political and economic crisis, conflict between China and the US in the Indian Ocean, ethical dilemmas between debt and survival, external political and economic intervention, and the power of social movements pushing for collective and ecological alternatives for a more just future. This event will be held in Walsh 491 on Wednesday, April 17 from 6-8pm.  ...

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Crisis in Sri Lanka and the World [Sinhala version] – By Asoka Bandarage Click Here To Buy your Book  Source : barnesandnoble This book provides a broad picture of Sri Lanka’s on-going political and economic crisis as the culmination of several centuries of colonial and neo-colonial developments. The book presents the Sri Lankan crisis as an exemplification of a broader global existential crisis facing more and more debt trapped countries, especially in the post-colonial Global South. The book’s in-depth case study raises important questions pertaining to sovereignty and political and economic democracy in Sri Lanka and the world at large. The book also explores the emergence of the crisis in the context of the accelerating geopolitical conflict between China and the USA in the Indian Ocean. It ponders if the debt crisis, economic collapse and political destabilization in Sri Lanka were intentionally precipitated to the advantage of the Quadrilateral Alliance (USA, ...

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