Crisis in Sri Lanka and the World – Colonial and Neoliberal Origins: Ecological and Collective Alternatives Asoka Bandarage Source : degruyter About this book Now in Paperback This book provides a broad picture of Sri Lanka’s on-going political and economic crisis as the culmination of several centuries of colonial and neo-colonial developments. The book presents the Sri Lankan crisis as an exemplification of a broader global existential crisis facing more and more debt trapped countries, especially in the post-colonial Global South. The book’s in-depth case study raises important questions pertaining to sovereignty and political and economic democracy in Sri Lanka and the world at large. The book also explores the emergence of the crisis in the context of the accelerating geopolitical conflict between China and the USA in the Indian Ocean. It ponders if the debt crisis, economic collapse and political destabilization in Sri Lanka were intentionally precipitated to the advantage ...

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“CRISIS in SRI LANKA and the WORLD” – by Asoka Bandarage Crisis in Sri Lanka provides an in-depth analysis of Sri Lanka’s on-going political and economic crisis taking into account the island’s historical evolution with an emphasis on external political and economic intervention. The book discusses the unequal economic and financial architecture of the global economy which set the framework for the debt and socio-economic crisis in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. The book also explores the emergence of the crisis in the context of the accelerating geopolitical conflict between China and the USA in the Indian Ocean. It concludes with a consideration of the ethical dilemmas behind the debt and survival crisis in Sri Lanka and across the world. It points out a range of social movements and initiatives in Sri Lanka and the Global South which subscribe to collective and ecological alternatives and a path of sustainability and social justice. ...

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