The Economy During The Anuradhapura Epoch – By Dr Tilak S. Fernando Every part of the central city of Anuradhapura belonged to the King during the Anuradhapura epoch. There was a standard procedure for kings to follow, known (in Sinhala) as Dasaraja Dharmaya – meaning Charitability, Generosity, Straightforwardness, Humility, Innocence, Peacefulness, Anger, Calmness and Independence. The King was also known as the mahapathy. Once a king was crowned, the new King had to continue with the previous king’s (undertakings, such as repairs to industries and lakes, lochs etc.) It was a standard gesture for the King to maintain peace and tranquillity in the society. The etiquette laid down the Royal family’s rights, which meant that if a king died (without children), the crown was entitled to the dead king’s paternal side. The throne went to his young brothers. During the crowning, the King was made to sit on a throne made out of  ...

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