Dietary Fiber and Whole grains Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake Health writer When you think of a balanced nutritious diet for your health, gut microbial benefits, and longevity you need to give priority to foods that are conducive to good health, including dietary fibre. Next time you visit the grocery or super-market, purchase items and foods having high fibre and whole grains. This includes mainly green vegies, root veggies, fruits, unprocessed grains, excluding meat products. Avoid purchasing smoked foods prepared with meat, or fish as there is a correlation between the frequency of consumption of smoked foods and intestinal cancer. There are many bio-active components in those ingredients, such as resistant starches in the grains, and green vegies, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and soluble fibre providing foods as prebiotics to the gut flora. ...

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