Be watchful of foods you eat with saturated fat Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer Some cardiologists seem to dispute this theory that saturated fats are linked to heart disease. Written by Dr harold Gunatillake-health writer Cholesterol- is a word in every one’s mouth today 75 % of cholesterol required for body functions is synthesised in the liver from Acetyl-CoA through the HMG-CoA cycle and not from fats in your food. Only 25% comes from the food (saturated fat), we eat like eggs and dairy. ...

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Foods that can cause heartburn by Dr Harold Gunatillake What is heart burn? Acid juice is prevented refluxing into the gullet (oesophagus) by a valvular sphincter mechanism at the lower end of the gullet. The fundus (globe) of the stomach with the lower end of the gullet due to its angular position forms a valve: meaning food entering the stomach is prevented from re-entering the gullet. Acid fluid refluxing into the lower gullet causes inflammation of the inner lining. The nerves are irritated and you experience severe burning feeling with shortness of breath and you panic as it mimics a heart attack. Refluxing at the valve is not common other than in certain situations, such as lying down in supine position, and on the right side. Lying down on your left side prevents such eructation as the acid flows more to the fundus (globe) of the stomach. If you are ...

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Chicken Biryani with Cucumber Raita by Health article written by Dr Harold Gunatillake In this preparation- biryani consists of curried meat, poultry, fish or vegetables combined with basmati rice to make a complete meal. Here chicken curry is layered with the rice and baked, then served with a fresh cucumber raita. Source: Cook Smart for a Healthy Heart, Reader’s Digest Canada ...

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Heart healthy Diet in a nut-shell Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-health writer This Mantra should be registered in your memory – both partners preparing daily foods for them. Forget the diet fads around and learn the basics- you’ll not go wrong.   The bottom line of a heart healthy diet is one that’s high in fruits (diabetics should restrict), dark vegetables (green leafy), whole grains (unprocessed rice and wheat products), legumes (lentils), and include less than a handful of nuts daily. The diet may include limited amounts of lean meat, fish twice a week, low-fat and non-fat dairy products, monounsaturated oils like olive oil and polyunsaturated oils of omega-3 types like canola, and flaxseed oil, and saturated virgin coconut oil (disputed) for cooking. Limit using polyunsaturated omega-6 type of oils like vegetable and corn oils for cooking, saturated (butter) and trans-fat (margarine), less added salt, and sugars other than the natural, and ...

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Immunotherapy is an emerging technique to kill cancer cells Written by Dr harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS, FIACS, AM (Sing), MBBS Health writer For decades, cancer has been treated with invasive procedures like surgery, combined with non-invasive- radio and chemo therapy. Some cancers are also controlled through hormone therapy specifically for those hormone dependant cancers of the breast post conventional therapy. If cancer is detected in the early stages excisional surgery could be 100% cure. If the cancer cells have spread beyond its local boundaries, say into the regional lymph glands then regional radiotherapy is planned in addition to primary elective surgery. When spread beyond the regional lymph glands –chemotherapy is added as an adjuvant therapy to kill ‘metastatic cancer cells’ in the distant sites. The problem with non-invasive procedures is that normally functioning healthy cells also get harmed, revealed by hair loss, gastro-intestinal symptoms, tiredness, lethargy loss of appetite, and ...

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Influence of Diet on Gut bacteria Vegetable filled diets recommended for longevity Written by Dr harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS, FIACS, AM (Sing), MBBS-Health writer The behaviour and the benefits of gut bacteria (microbiota) depend on the production of certain healthy and unhealthy molecules, solely depending on your diet. Studies have shown that people who ate vegetable filled diets have a much higher diversity and higher level of healthy bacteria. Those who eat a diet composed of vegetables having high fibre, your friendly gut allies produce higher levels of molecules called short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), acetate, propionates and butyrate in the large bowel. Humans do not have the enzymes to digest fibre, so these bacteria assists in breaking them down producing fatty acids and other compounds. These short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are beneficial for your health. All the major SFCA appear to promote the flow of blood through the colonic vascular ...

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Recognizing A Heart Attack Early by Dr. Harold Gunatillake If you are over fifty, leading a sedentary sort of life, with stress of life coupled with the junk food you eat and being overweight, may be having diabetes and or hypertension, then you need to be very careful and be aware of early symptoms of heart disease. The early symptoms may be so mild that you’ll not take them seriously and brush them off as aches and pains. If the symptoms are for a second or two, then perhaps it is not indicative of a heart attack. Most active people may not get the typical symptoms, but may be just tiredness progressively getting worse. This is due to the heart not getting enough oxygen through the arterial blood in the coronaries. ...

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Omega-3s can be obtained from cheaper vegetable seeds by Dr Harold Gunatillake You are by now taking fish oil capsules or eating oily fish like salmon, tuna at least twice a week for your DHA and EPA fatty acids benefitting your body in many ways, such as lowering your triglycerides, and bad cholesterol numbers which blocks your arteries,, keeping your blood vessels elastic and linked to heart health. Omega -3s also reduce the risk of irregular heartbeats. Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka don’t seem to get enough omega-3s to keep their heart in fine tune and for its other health benefits. Oily fish is so expensive that the average worker can afford to purchase small fish having very little omega-3 fatty acids. The fish oil capsules imported and available in supermarkets contain only about 300mg of omega-3 which is insufficient to maintain the daily body requirement, and most countries sell ...

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