Problem with drinking Bottled water Good advice by Dr Harold Gunatillake We need water to survive. When space scientists want to find out whether there are living organisms in planets the first thing they want to find out is water availability.  We need water for transporting nutrients in the body from cell to cell. It is a wonderful God-given solvent, sometimes we refer to as ‘Adam’s Ale’. We need water for our temperature regulation, muscles activities, joint lubrications maintain electrolyte balance, control of pH, and proper functions of organs like liver, brain and kidneys and getting rid of waste material among others. ...

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Oxalate stones in your kidneys  Envelope shaped Calcium oxalate crystals Written by Dr harold Gunatillake –Health writer As you grow up you could manufacture stones (calculi) in your body, such as in organs like the gall bladder, kidneys and so on. Our discussion today is about kidney stones emphasis on oxalate stones. Most kidney stones include calcium stone which are radio-opaque and seen on plain X rays. They are mainly oxalate stones a naturally occurring substance in food-vegies fruits nuts, chocolate and so on as oxalic acid. One cannot pin-point the cause or causes that create kidney stones. Taking too much of calcium do not produce calcium oxalate stones, either. These stones form when your urine contains more crystal-forming substances that you eat. High doses of taking vitamin D supplements, intestinal bypass surgery and several metabolic disorders can increase the concentration of calcium or oxalate in urine. ...

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Reversing Age-is it possible? Written by Dr harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS, FIACS, AM (Sing), MBBS (Cey) –Health writer The average life expectancy at birth was 68 years and 6 months for males and 73 years and 6 months for females during 2010 and 2013, figures released by the United Nations World Population Prospects 2012 Revision. Japan leads the figures with both sexes expectancy of 83.7, followed by Singapore, Switzerland and Australia; in that order The lowest expectancies are Angola and Sierra with a life expectancy of 52.4 and 50.1 respectively. In an ideal situation when age turns into ageless, humans will still die prematurely. It is the biological age and expected life span that would be everlasting, but through one’s journey in life could contract debilitating chronic diseases, traumatic experiences, dementia, Alzheimer’s and so on and demise. WE age because our cells age and our telomeres get shorter. ...

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Let’s talk about your Liver Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer There is only one liver hidden under the diaphragm occupying the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity. Safeguarding this organ is essential for good health. Food when digested is absorbed into a separate venous blood stream called the ‘Portal Veins’ These veins carry the digested foods into the liver, which includes carbs as glucose and proteins as amino-acids.. Fats and fat soluble vitamins enter the lymphatic system and then enter the veins for metabolic processes on a different pathway. ...

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Let’s talk about Cheese, today Written by Dr harold Gunatillake FRCS – Health writer Nomads in the Middle East and Central Asia carried milk in containers made from animal stomachs, when bottles were unheard of then. When on the move the milk got curdled due to an enzyme called rennet remaining in those stomachs which separated the milk into curds and whey. This was an accidental discovery. There are murals in Egyptian tombs showing the way cheese was made, then. Sri Lankans don’t traditionally use cheese in their curries. It is too expensive and that would be the main reason why it’s not included in the Asian cuisine. If you cook with cheese, you can use it straight from the fridge in the frozen state. If it is used as an appetiser or to settle your stomach after a heavy meal, it is best to serve at room temperature. Soft ...

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What health benefits are in Turmeric? Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer I am writing this article after reading the one by Michael Mosley, one of the presenters of Trust Me, I’m A Doctor, broadcast on BBC  He states that he tracked down leading researchers from across the country and with their help recruited nearly 100 volunteers from the North East to do a novel experiment. Then we divided them into three groups, he says. ...

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Why do we need Food when we are hungry? by Dr harold Gunatillake – Health writer We all love food whether we are in the hunger mode or not. Have you ever thought what mechanism works in the body to make you feel hungry? Michael Lowe, a professor of psychology at Drexel University in Philadelphia says this about hunger. “Feeling hungry can mean at least two things, and they are pretty different” There is the traditional concept of hunger when you haven’t eaten for a couple of hours, and you would feel and complain that you are hungry. Children would cry and get irritable when they get the traditional hunger pains. Your stomach start making noises, you find it difficult to concentrate on what you are doing, and the urge for food becomes a priority. Professor Lowe says,” This feeling of hunger stems from your body’s need for calories; the ...

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Is Microwaved Food safe? Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer Microwave ovens are designed to cook food through radio-active heat. That does not mean that the food becomes radio-active. The radiation energy is absorbed by the water in each cell of the food such as vegetables or meat. The water molecules vibrate and produce intra-cellular heat which cooks the food. This means that unless there are water molecules in the food you cannot cook in a microwave oven. Fortunately, there is no food that contains no water although some come close. Meat and poultry are composed of naturally occurring water, muscles, connective tissue. The muscle is about 75% water It is important to follow the instructions given by the manufacturers in using the oven to cook food. In the modern ovens used in good condition is safe. When old, there may be a leakage of radiation through a non-fitting door, ...

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High Triglycerides in your blood     by Dr. Harold Gunatillake – Health writer       If your doctor detects high levels of triglycerides in your blood you need to take it seriously. You need triglycerides in your blood for good health, but too much can give you problems. It is another form of fat or lipid in your blood like good and bad cholesterol. They are all one big family and they team up to maintain a reasonable healthy level in your blood. The problem with high triglycerides is that it can raise your risk of heart disease. High triglycerides are a sign of metabolic syndrome, too -composed of high blood sugar, high blood pressure and waist-line obesity. Normally, the triglyceride level in blood is less than 150, and considered high over 200 High triglycerides are found when your diabetes is not well controlled, or you suffer from ...

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