Dr Padmini Howpage – She is a Srilankan Australian. Why does this matter ? Dr Padmini Howpage MBBS FRANZCP is a clinical and academic psychiatrist with a wealth of experience spanning over more than three decades. As an author, she shares her insights, knowledge, and expertise in simple, relatable and practical language through the children’s book Mindful Coco, all-ages book 7 Magic Minutes for Today and the daily journal Today I will live happily and well. She was born in Ratnapura, a city in Sri Lanka famous for its gems, as the youngest of 7 children. The extended family, rich culture and Buddhist ideals enriched her upbringing. The challenges life offered led to her ambitions in life and her resilience in character. Since early childhood, she developed a desire to help those around her and chose to pursue a career in medicine. She graduated as a young doctor from Ruhuna University, Srilanka. After studying sports ...

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