Detach fantasy from Dhamma for survival of Buddhism – By K K S Perera Nathasha: Annoying though; Thought-Provoking Source : dailymirror It’s difficult to disentangle religious hard truths from myth, or truth from lies.We have a tendency to “shoot the messenger,” –don’t be angry with the person who makes disrespectful expressions intended to offend or hurt you; instead look  for the obscured message in it. Let the authorities conduct investigations to detect any violations of the law, and also expose any hidden agenda by interested parties in Nathasha’s‘Modabhimanaya’ [Fool’s Pride]. The terminology used in Nathasha’s script is irritating no doubt, but the unintended implicit ‘message,’“Detach Dhamma from Fiction,” is thought- provoking, and therefore it needs to be addressed with a positive mind. Unless we revise or delete outdated ‘divine manifestations’ that would prompt future Nathashas from staging comedic gigs, soon all of us would appear as ‘Fools with Pride’ There are ...

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