Sri Lanka Takes a Green Leap with E-Drive – By Aroshi Ranatunga Source : Aroshi Ranatunga Linkedin Sri Lanka has reached a significant milestone in sustainable transportation. Today, David Pieris Motor Company (DPMC) proudly launched the nation’s first-ever electric taxi service, E-Drive! E-Drive is more than just a transportation service. It represents a visionary step towards a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future. By embracing electric mobility, they are taking a giant leap towards reducing carbon emissions, mitigating climate change, and improving the overall quality of life for our communities.  What makes E-Drive truly remarkable is its commitment to convenience, environmental responsibility, and affordability. With a flat rate of only Rs. 65 per kilometer, E-Drive ensures that public transportation is not only accessible but also economical for all. Say goodbye to the worries of fluctuating fares and peak hour charges. E-Drive has simplified the experience, putting the power back into the ...

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