Getting to know the incoming Archbishop of Sydney   Source:- Many will know Kanishka Raffel, who was elected as Archbishop of Sydney at the special session of Sydney Synod this week. If you don’t know Kanishka, here is some background provided by his nominators: “Kanishka Raffel is currently the Dean of Sydney, serving at St Andrew’s Cathedral. He has been married to Cailey for 32 years, and they have two adult daughters. Born in London of Sri Lankan parents, he arrived in Australia as a 7-year-old. His father died soon after the family arrived in Australia and his mother and siblings moved back to Sri Lanka for a couple of years before returning to Australia when Kanishka was 9. Raised a Buddhist, a friend gave Kanishka a copy of two Gospels when he was at University. At the age of 21, Kanishka was convicted by the inescapable words of Jesus in John’s ...

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