International Women’s Day falls on March 8 – Embracing Women’s Strength: A Path to Equality and Empowerment – By eLanka March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a global celebration of women’s achievements, resilience, and ongoing struggle for gender equality. From the bustling streets of cities to the quiet corners of rural towns, women everywhere share their stories of strength and perseverance amidst adversity. Despite facing additional challenges and vulnerabilities simply by being born as women, they have been stepping up in politics, business, economics, and administration, crafting tales of strength and victory over the years. A notable example is Sirima Bandaranaike, the first female Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, who defied odds and demonstrated remarkable leadership amidst adversity. Contrary to stereotypes, women in the workforce exhibit dedication, talent, and proactive efforts to expand their knowledge, often surpassing their male counterparts in certain situations. Women’s sensitivity and empathy are not weaknesses ...

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