St. Anthony’s College Kandy – Rugby in the 50s onwards Anthonians took up to rugby long after the schools introduced sports like cricket, boxing, hockey, football and athletics. Only in the ‘1950’s did the Anthonians take the oval ball to Katugastota, and Bruce Winter became their first rugby captain. A big hand should go to their great coach in that era, old Trinitian Bobby Jayaweera who spared no pains to teach the Antonians how they should handle the Oval ball. Later Maurice Perera helped in coaching the Antonains. From the day, they touched the ovalball, the game became very popular. In the early days, it remained just an introduction of the game for quite some time, with no signs of attracting the enthusiasm of youthful Antonians. From the day, they touched the ovalball, the game became very popular. In the early days, it remained just an introduction of the game ...

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