Isso vade: The spicy snack that unites Sri Lanka – By Demi Perera As the train pulled into Peradeniya Junction station in central Sri Lanka, the man sitting opposite me leapt out of his seat and leaned out of the window, placing his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and whistling loudly. A vade seller soon appeared outside, removed a basket from the top of his head and handed it to the passenger. The man quickly pulled out a fragrant fritter along with a small bag of fiery sambol, leaving money behind, and then passed the basket to other hungry passengers, who did the same before returning the basket back to the seller through the window. As the train chugged away, everyone settled back in to their seats and contentedly crunched on what I’d later learn were isso vade: lentil patties topped with fresh prawns and deep-fried to create one of the ...

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A Trojan Horse in Diyawanna Oya – by Capt Elmo Jayawardena   Aren’t we all wondering what is going to happen to our beloved country? Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans are at a bewildering juncture, more like an over-sized jigsaw puzzle with some of the vital pieces missing. Sajith, leading the Opposition says Gota and MR must go, and the 20th amendment should be abolished.  That is their unwavering demand.  It certainly is an appropriate ultimatum from which the SJB is determined not to budge. That is also the main anthem of the Galle Face uprising, and it should rightly be the stubborn stand of everyone, be they organizational or individual, protesting against the current set of rulers.  As I write, it has been almost two weeks since the onset of the uproar that is currently bursting at the seams with rapid expansion. This is no ruckus caused by hired ...

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